Friday, June 19, 2009

This Moment....This Day!!!

Its just another wish
Hand in Hand
You and Me through the unfathomed land.
Some quibbles, some quarrels some quips do we share,
Some meteoric flashes, some stars and a moon to stare.

My askance and your glance may impinge everytime
And we both land embarassed
titillated every time.
And then an incessant trail of words may too flow....
You explain and I hear,
I blabber and you listen.

And while we walk back...You wait for me
As I knit the strands of these fleeting moments
You stand aside and just contemplate
How elated I am
Busy,Capturing this Moment.......
Capturing this Day !!!

Monday, February 9, 2009


All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players
Then why don't I find a role for myself?

I stand bemused at the crossroad
For lanes are many but my destination unknown...
Speculating the audacious display of power and brain
I keep shrinking into the absolute nothing I possess.

I,the ardent soldier, am left all bland,
A forgotten thought,a barren land.
I move slothfully with the tainted carn,
Derided,dejected and denounced I stand
Gleaning splinters of my own existential claim.