Its just another wish
Hand in Hand
You and Me through the unfathomed land.
Some quibbles, some quarrels some quips do we share,
Some meteoric flashes, some stars and a moon to stare.
My askance and your glance may impinge everytime
And we both land embarassed
titillated every time.
And then an incessant trail of words may too flow....
You explain and I hear,
I blabber and you listen.
And while we walk back...You wait for me
As I knit the strands of these fleeting moments
You stand aside and just contemplate
How elated I am
Busy,Capturing this Moment.......
Capturing this Day !!!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players
Then why don't I find a role for myself?
I stand bemused at the crossroad
For lanes are many but my destination unknown...
Speculating the audacious display of power and brain
I keep shrinking into the absolute nothing I possess.
I,the ardent soldier, am left all bland,
A forgotten thought,a barren land.
I move slothfully with the tainted carn,
Derided,dejected and denounced I stand
Gleaning splinters of my own existential claim.
And all the men and women merely players
Then why don't I find a role for myself?
I stand bemused at the crossroad
For lanes are many but my destination unknown...
Speculating the audacious display of power and brain
I keep shrinking into the absolute nothing I possess.
I,the ardent soldier, am left all bland,
A forgotten thought,a barren land.
I move slothfully with the tainted carn,
Derided,dejected and denounced I stand
Gleaning splinters of my own existential claim.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
एक मोड़ पर छूटी यादें . .

जीवन के एक मोड़ पर शायद
मेरा बचपन छूट गया है ।
जाने अनजाने में न जाने
कोई एक सपना रूठ गया है॥
क्यूँ वक्त बना निर्दयी पितामाह?
क्यूँ जीवन चक्की उसने चलाई?
में भी भूली भटकी पागल सी
चल आई संग, पकड़ उसकी कलाई॥
छोड़ आई हूँ पीछे , वो सारे सपने
वो गुड्डे गुड़िया,जो थे मेरे अपने।
वो चंदा ,वो सूरज,वो तितली ,वो तारा
वो drawing copy जिसमे सिमटा था संसार ये सारा॥
वो cricket matches में कचरा पार्टी कहलाना
वो चिडिया,वो गाय उन सब को नहलाना।
वो शक्कर की बोरी ,वो अम्मा की लोरी
वो आम का अचार, वो झूठा बुखार॥
वो mummy के सोने पर टीवी चलाना
वो पापा के न होने पर खेलने भाग जाना
वो रूठना ,वो मानना,वो हसना,वो गाना
वो हर एक पल में एक जीवन बीताना।
अब याद आता है बचपन का वोह ज़माना॥
क्यूँ वक्त उड़ गया पंख लगाकर ?
क्यूँ मुझे ले गया संग उड़ाकर?
अब याद आती है
वो आम वोह अम्मियाँ ,वो फूल वो कलियाँ
वो park के नजारे,वो पतंग की कतारे।
वो मोगली ,चंद्रकांता
गिल्ली डंडा,अक्कड़-बक्कड़
वो पोशम्पा के चक्कर,
वो सतोलिया के पथहर।
वो चुटकी के दाने चुप-चुप के चबाना
वो bournvita का दूध गमलों में फैलाना.
वो छुपन-छुपाई,वो पकड़म-पकडाई
वो छोटी छोटी बातों पर प्यारी सी लड़ाई।
वो हँसी ठिठोली, दिवाली की रंगोली
वो कान्हा की झांकी,वो टॉफी ,वो राखी॥
वो प्रसाद के लिए रोज़ मन्दिर को जाना
एक गुब्बारे के लिए पूरे दिन माँ को मानना।
वो दुशेहरे के मेले, वो चुस्की के ठेले
वो घोड़े का खेल, जो पापा संग थे खेले...
दिल में है यही तमन्ना अब तो....
मेरा कल हो मेरे कल के जैसा।
फिर वही हँसी,फिर वही मस्ती
फिर वही बारिश ,वही कागज़ की कश्ती॥
चलो चले उस मोड़ पर वापस
फिर बचपन में ले वक्त धकेल
फिर चखे वही चूरन -चटनी
फिर खेले गुडियों का खेल॥
Monday, May 19, 2008

Lifez on a U-turn.......
Knowing not where to land.
Time is a blitzkrieg
And my life still crawling
With some dreams unreached.
Some destinations unexplored,
Some tasks unaccomplished......
My world has shrinked into a globe
Now i have fewer colours to fill
Faded joy and rusty feelings
But my life crawling still.............
I am in an entirely new world
Where humans not but humanoids exist
I can't call myself Alice too
For this is not my wonderland
Here relations are manufactured and love synthesised in mill
But my life crawling still......
I wanted to have my own world.......someone help to find it for me
To search for an unending stream of happiness
A sky to paint my own rainbow
Help me get that neverland.......
Help me create that neverland....
A place where life lives fearlessly
Where smiles blossom endlessly
Where relations are important
And time too is vacant........
For i am tired of crawling........
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
School Memories-The 10th Class History

All my expectations went into the drain
And my face was the ground flooded with rain,
As tears trickled down my cheek,
And hopes to avoid school became bleak,
I stepped into the school.
I entered the School,as a tiny tot
But frankly saying,I enjoyed my nursery a lot.
And soon I was in primary.
But it was first filled with irony....
For the school times changed from nine to seven
And I was brought back to Earth from heaven.
And now the stress was on the studies
And we were no more called little buddies
We were taught to be disciplined
We were taught to be smart,
We were taught to be obedient
We were taught every art.
And then the competitions and functions
Started in a row
And soon we all started to grow
And more and more logics followed
As more and more formulae we swallowed
And then to the middles we came
And we were adamant to earn fame
Studies were harder,smarter we were too
And faster was the pace with which we all grew.......
And then came up the blast
It was now 10th class
We toiled in the nights
We worked in the sun
As we were determined
To win in the long run
For the prestige of the school was at stake
And we were prepared for the challenge to take
And the expectations over us
Were as heavy as load
And in such an environment
We started preparing for the Board.
And then, Came the Farewell.
And my happiness again went into the drain
And my face again was the ground flooded with rain
As tears trickled down my cheek
And hopes to be in Sophia forever became bleak
I stepped out of the School
Into this NEW WORLD......
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Our Own World
Where luck becomes important than labour,
Where hard work diminishes in front of favour
Where fate and destiny make people crown-holders
Where deserving people.....
Sit aside shrugging their shoulders.
This is the world in which we live
And this is the fate which I hate.
Where poor are nued,hungry and tired
Where rich play with money,are adored and admired.
Where talent is crushed,raped & murdered,
Where dreams in lively eyes are shattered.
This is the world in which we live
And this is the fate which I hate.
Where money is the pivot of revolving Earth
Where relations are fading,losing their worth.
Where eye for an eye,tooth for a tooth
Are the things people practise.
Where a brother kills his brother
and for profit people play dirty tactics.
This is the world in which we live
And this is the fate which I hate.
Where only power and paisa rule the mind
Where people now only....pretend to be kind
Where feelings evaporate &love is frozen
Sympathy,charity are teh tools none has chosen.
This is the world in which we live
And this is the fate which I hate.
This is the fate which I hate....
The fate of being such a person
Who knows what all is happening around
But is still.....
Deaf and dumb towards it.......
Where hard work diminishes in front of favour
Where fate and destiny make people crown-holders
Where deserving people.....
Sit aside shrugging their shoulders.
This is the world in which we live
And this is the fate which I hate.
Where poor are nued,hungry and tired
Where rich play with money,are adored and admired.
Where talent is crushed,raped & murdered,
Where dreams in lively eyes are shattered.
This is the world in which we live
And this is the fate which I hate.
Where money is the pivot of revolving Earth
Where relations are fading,losing their worth.
Where eye for an eye,tooth for a tooth
Are the things people practise.
Where a brother kills his brother
and for profit people play dirty tactics.
This is the world in which we live
And this is the fate which I hate.
Where only power and paisa rule the mind
Where people now only....pretend to be kind
Where feelings evaporate &love is frozen
Sympathy,charity are teh tools none has chosen.
This is the world in which we live
And this is the fate which I hate.
This is the fate which I hate....
The fate of being such a person
Who knows what all is happening around
But is still.....
Deaf and dumb towards it.......
Let it be true-Amen

When I wished to dream
Why was my sleep taken away?
When I wished to smile
Why were my reasons given no way?
When I wished to see colours........
Why did the world turn all Black & White???
I could never obtain what I wished..
And was always forced to be happy.
Today too I am happy
With my sleepless nights......
Today too I am happy
With no reasons and colours in life.
But yet my heart urges me
To look upto the sky and search out MY Rainbow.
To make every moment of my life ...a reason to smile
And to make every wish a dream.
So that.......
I may have Plentiful smiling dreams filled with lots and lots of colour.
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